Solving the mystery – Devotion for
Prior to serving Trinity, I had been appointed to serve a wonderful charge located near Spivey’s Corner, NC (Home of the National Hollerin’ Contest). The parsonage that we lived in was more than adequate, and the yard was tremendous (I was told it was just over an acre – whatever that means). When I went out to the storage building to look for the riding lawn mower, I threw open the door only to find a push mower. I quickly assumed that meant that they must have sent out the riding mower to have it serviced for the new preacher, because with a yard that large I was sure they had a riding mower for the preacher to use. It didn’t take too long for me to find out that I was wrong (imagine that), and that the only mower they had was that push mower, and I was told “Frank didn’t have any trouble with it.” Frank, you see, was the pastor who had just retired from the charge I was now appointed to, and there was no way I was going to complain if the previous old preacher didn’t complain.
Days went by and I held off on mowing the grass. Days went by and the grass kept growing. Since we lived on the same road as the church, and since everyone in the church drove past the parsonage at least once a day, eventually a member or two (or three) commented to let me know that it was acceptable for me to mow the yard. Finally a Saturday came, and my family was invited to a birthday party being held at a member’s swimming pool – and this member lived just about a half-mile down the road from us. As we were enjoying the fellowship out in the pool on that hot July Saturday, I knew that if the yard was going to get mowed, I had better get back home and get to it. So I left my family to enjoy the rest of the party and I went back home, changed clothes, and got out there to get started. After several minutes of pulling on the cord trying to get that darn thing started, it finally puffed to life. I went around to get started in the front yard, and I trekked along the front edge of the yard, and I soon learned just how big our yard was. After I had done just a few rows, I was already exhausted from the heat, the humidity, and the fact that the grass was kinda sorta high. Add in the fact that each row that I mowed was about a quarter mile long (or so it seemed). I was barely half way through the front yard and I already felt like I was about to give in. As I turned back to start another row something mysterious in the distance down the road caught my eye. It appeared to be something that looked like it was burning way down the road. I looked at whatever it was until I completed that row, and then I had to turn my back to it as I headed back in the opposite direction. When I turned around again I could see that whatever it was, it was moving closer to me, and now I could discern that it did not appear to be on fire, but instead it seemed to be casting a cloud of dirt. Finally I finished that row and had to head back in the other direction again, but now I was becoming more and more energized as I was extremely curious as to what this mystery was that I was seeing. I turned back and now I could make out just what it was coming down the road – it was a riding lawn mower! I was disgusted, saying to myself, “Here I am out in this hot sun sweating my tail off, and someone has the audacity to be using their riding lawn mower as transportation.” Man, I was ticked. Appalled, I finished that row and turned back around to head the other way, but when I turned back around again I only became more angered – it was a member of my church riding on that lawn mower on the side of the highway in the middle of July on the hottest day of the year! Man, I started thinking of all kinds of sermons I was going to preach to them on the need to better stewardship, stronger giving, and using more wisdom when I realized that the member on the mower was actually turning into my yard. I cut off my mower and approached, and she just waved and headed towards the backyard to begin mowing back there. By this time I actually needed a break from the heat, but there was no way I was going to let a woman finish mowing my yard with me sipping on some lemon-aid, so I kept on mowing (that’s the male ego for you). Soon we were finished, and this kind, gentle, wonderful spirited woman returned to her home about ¾ of mile down the road.
All along I new there was something coming down the road, but I just didn’t understand it. When I did recognize what it was, I became angry and still misunderstood what it truly meant for me. When I finally comprehended what it was that was being done, I was humbled and grateful for receiving such a gift. Sometimes in life we go through mysteries that we don’t yet understand. We know something is there, but we don’t fully comprehend what it means for us. Paul alludes to such in Ephesians 3, where he talks about how the Gentiles and the Jews were equal heirs in the one body of Christ. It was always known to the Jews that the Gentiles would be blessed, for this was predicted several times in the Old Testament. But now God has fully revealed that the Gentiles would be blessed, and not just blessed, but made equal to the Jews in the body of Christ. What had previously been a mystery to so many had now become clear. What had been a struggle for so many had now become a blessing.
We may find ourselves right now in the midst of a struggle, and maybe we know something is coming down the road but we’re just not sure what it is. Before it finally gets there we may have to go through the hardships of the struggle. Before the clarity of the situation finally arrives we may go through the anger. But know this – the mystery will be solved. God is coming to you in a special way. Keep on mowing – He’ll get there soon.
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