Filing taxes – Devotion for
I hate doing my taxes. For years I did our tax returns by using the some of the computer software you can buy, but it always something I despise. I always get nervous putting in all the figures, hoping that I am doing everything right. Being a minister, there are certain things that makes filing our taxes a little more complicated, because in some respects we are considered self-employed, and in others, employed. So this year we did something different. This past year Jennifer and two others formed a new law firm, and since she is now self-employed, we felt it would be safest for us to use an accountant to do our taxes. The whole concept of turning everything over to the CPA to do for us is magnificent! No worries at all – we just turn over all our paper work and records, the CPA computes all the relevant data, finds savings for us, and completes the job. After using the CPA this year, it really made me wonder why it took us so long to use one. If we had gone to one a long time ago, I wouldn’t have had to have that time of frustration and worry as I attempted to file the taxes by myself. It’s a great thing to just turn it over to him and not have to worry any longer about it I got it right or not.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.”(Ephesians 2:8-9) Thank God that in life we don’t have to worry about doing everything to save ourselves. Goodness knows I’ve made so many mistakes in my life. Any audit of my life that God could do would certainly find me guilty. That’s why I’ve turned it over to Him. Because I know through faith that God’s grace is sufficient for me, and I know that it is sufficient for you. Don’t stress over the mistakes we make. Just keep God informed so that they can be corrected. Turn it all over to Him.
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