Monday, October 6, 2008

Who cares? - Devotion for 10/6/08

Who cares? – Devotion for 10/6/08

This morning I was reading from Exodus 3, and in this chapter, God speaks to Moses through the infamous burning bush. As things are heating up in the discussion (pun intended), I really like one of the things God says to Moses. In verse 16, God tells Moses to go and get all the elders of Israel together and to tell them that “The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has appeared to me, saying ‘I am concerned about you and what has been done to you in Egypt.’” What I think is cool about that is that instead of God telling all the elders personally that He is concerned about them, He tells Moses who is then supposed to tell the elders.

I think God still does that kind of thing today in the world. I think God may speak to us, wanting us to tell certain people we encounter that He is concerned about them. I know first hand that there are those moments that you really begin to wonder if anyone in the world cares about the difficulties you face in your life. I believe that the people of Israel had probably gotten to that point – where they began to feel that all hope was lost, and that God truly did not care about them any more. So God spoke to Moses, a reluctant servant, and made him a messenger boy.

I’d be willing to bet that as you read this right now, you can probably think of somebody in your life that God has already told you that you need to speak to them. I’d be willing to bet that you can easily picture that person who is going through some type of struggle, some struggles you may not even be aware of. That individual has probably begun to wonder, “Does anyone even care? Does God even care?” This message today may very well be used by God to tell you the same kind of thing He told Moses. So go and tell them, and demonstrate that someone does care.

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I am a minister in North Carolina.