Friday, August 10, 2007

Break Out - Devotion for 8/10/07

Break Out – Devotion for 8/10/07

In Acts 12, we find Peter sitting in prison, bound with chains and sleeping between two soldiers, which I would have to guess was a bit awkward and uncomfortable. There as he slept, a bright light shone in the cell, and an angel of the Lord appeared, waking Peter and telling him to get up. The chains fall off, and the angel directs him to get dressed, and still half asleep Peter follows the directions. I just picture Peter as something like a zombie here – still groggy and dazed, and not really understanding at all what is going on. I remember several nights like that when Jacob and Aaron were babies, and they’d wake up in the night and Jenn would direct me to go get a bottle, and soon I’d find myself in the kitchen, and I couldn’t remember why I was there. That’s the way I picture Peter in this passage – with a complete “Huh?What?” expression on his face. The chains have fallen off, he is already following the angel out of the jail, and he still thought it was just a vision (v.9). It wasn’t until he is completely out and the angel disappears that he realizes what has happened.

Sometimes you and I may feel like we are bound to our present circumstances. Sometimes everything seems to be going so against us that we feel as though we are chained up and sleeping between two of our oppressors. We may be so lulled into our problems that we may not even realize that God is already working on our release. Halfway through, Peter still thought he was dreaming. You may already be half-way to freedom from your difficulties right now and not even know it. Wake up! Your break out may be going on right now!

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I am a minister in North Carolina.