Monday, May 4, 2009

Hope in troubling times - Devotion for 5/4/09

I'm in the middle of a worship series right now called "Hope in Troubling Times," and we're trying to give hope to people who pressing on the the midst of a troubled world. In my devotion time today, I was reminded of a story I once read about how we must always press on in the midst of difficult, trying times.

A high school basketball coach was trying to motivate his players as the end of a difficult season was approaching. Many players had become so disgruntled and frustrated that they had approached the coach with the possibility of quiting the team before the season even ended. So the coach decided to call all of the team together to try to inspire them to finish strong. As he gave his pep talk he was just starting to get fired up when he asked the players, "Did Michael Jordan ever quit?" The team reponded in unison, "No!" The coach yelled, "What about the Wright brothers? Did they ever quit?" "No!" shouted the team. "Did Abraham Lincoln ever quit?" Again, the team yelled "No!" The coach then asked, "Did Abner Plumbody ever quit?" There was a long silence. The players looked back and forth at each other, and a few started scratching their head as if that would help them remember the name Abner Plumbody. Finally one player mustered up the courage to ask, "Who's Abner Plumbody? We've never heard of him." The coach fired back: "Of course you never heard of him! He quit!"

We all face things that we become discouraged about. We all have things in our lives that may seem hopeless. But if we want to be a part of something truly special we know we must press on and not quit. Have hope.

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I am a minister in North Carolina.